Safety 1st Air Protect 35 travel system - This is the best rated car seat in crash tests - by Consumer Reports - after all safety is what matters most in a car seat right?? It's also looks pretty soft & comfortable. The car seat snaps into the stroller and when baby is bigger you can still use the stroller as it has a seat for older babies also. It's 100% perfect! And it wasn't crazy expensive either like some of these crazy stroller systems. I think it was less than $300 for the car seat and stroller together. Oh and also the car seat goes up to 35 lbs so my daughter can use it for a loooong time.
Safety 1st Aerolite LX Deluxe Travel System, Avery
Some sort of sling or wrap - probably multiple ones. The Moby wrap or sleepy baby wrap are great when they are younger and I keep hearing good things about the Ergo, the Becco Gemini, and the Mei Tei style carriers. Baby Bjorn I have heard bad things but I do have one friend whose baby LOVES theirs and she says its comfortable for her to wear also.
Manual Pump I just saw a thread on Babycenter the mom had to throw out like 150 bags of frozen breastmilk because she found mold in her pump. This was one reason I avoided an electric pump. For me a manual one works just fine because I am only away from my baby 2x a week and have a good letdown and good supply. If you can avoid an electric one I would. I read reviews for everything I buy and the best manual pump is the Lansinoh manual pump. The reviews said that some moms got more milk than with their electric pumps!
The Snuza Halo Monitor! WAY better than the Angelcare movement monitors because it goes WITH the baby. Only $100 for immediate peace of mind. It clips to baby's diaper and will alarm if it doesn't detect breathing for 30 seconds. It's loud enough, false alarms are rare, and will work no matter where baby is sleeping - swing, car seat, bouncy seat, when co-sleeping, etc.
Snuza Halo Baby Movement Monitor
Probiotics Giving your baby probiotics can cure colic, reflux, constipation and more. They can also help prevent the development of allergies, eczema and other things. Do some research and find a good one made for babies.
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